Fabricación Artesanal de Adobes

Medidas 500x300x100mm (Valor $500 x unidad - a pedido)

Construcción de casa ecológica energéticamente eficiente

Sistema Solar en Demostración

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Nuestro Sistema Solar Beagle 1

Sistema Solar Solar Free (Distribución para la Quinta Región)

Publicidad Radial (SOLAR FREE) - UCV Radio 103.5FM

23 nov 2007

Day 7. Monday 15

18. Meeting with the SCL (Seattle City Light) and GFP (Boneville Power Administration) - Tony Koch, Mechanical Engineer, BPA

Ø Seattle City is a municipal company that buys and sells electricity.

Ø It is famous for its efficiency programs in energy distribution, programs in environmental protection, green programs, public education and training service.

Ø Your customers have the option of buying their electricity source of solar, wind, hydro or other renewable.

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Av. Freire 1122 Quilpué
Fonos: 2493818 - 82930542
www.maritec.cl / www.maritecsolar.blogspot.com