Fabricación Artesanal de Adobes

Medidas 500x300x100mm (Valor $500 x unidad - a pedido)

Construcción de casa ecológica energéticamente eficiente

Sistema Solar en Demostración

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Nuestro Sistema Solar Beagle 1

Sistema Solar Solar Free (Distribución para la Quinta Región)

Publicidad Radial (SOLAR FREE) - UCV Radio 103.5FM

23 nov 2007

Mission Energy Efficiency States Oregon & Washington USA 2007 7/10/2007 to 18/10/2007

Main Visits:

Day 1. Tuesday 9

1. Breakfast with representatives of the Department of Energy Oregon State

2. Energy Trust

3. ICO Trust Building (Portland City)

4. Hospital – OHSU

5. Efficient Home Construction-Green Hammer (≈ 234 [m2])

Day 2. Wednesday 10

6. Host Christopher Dyamond-thermal and photovoltaic solar panels

7. Capitol-solar photovoltaic panels

8. Talks at the Oregon Department of Energy

9. Proposed housing Pringle Creek-Parcelacion with energy-efficient houses

Day 3. Thursday 11

10. Visit to the OSU Radiation Center

11. Visit Laboratory Research Center Tides (OTEC)

12. Visit to the Bonneville dam

Day 4. Friday 12

13. Visit Central Coal Boardman-600 MW

14. Nine Canyon Wind Project

15. Visiting Plants Lots of NorthWest

Energy Efficiency Mission USA 2007

Day 5. Saturday 13

16. Visit System channels in Kennewig, Sunnyside Channel Improvement Project

Day 6. Sunday 14

17. Visit to Port of Seattle

Day 7. Monday 15

18. Meeting with the SCL (Seattle City Light) and GFP (Boneville Power Administration) - Tony Koch, Mechanical Engineer, BPA

Ø Seattle City is a municipal company that buys and sells electricity.

Ø It is famous for its efficiency programs in energy distribution, programs in environmental protection, green programs, public education and training service.

Ø Your customers have the option of buying their electricity source of solar, wind, hydro or other renewable.

19. Visiting Green Arlington Library

20. Visit factory Back Out Power Systems - Bryan Thomas, Product Manager, bthomas@outbackpower.cl

Day 8. Tuesday 16

21. Visiting College

22. Back to Chile -Garbage and pollution on the outskirts of Santiago

6 nov 2007

Parque eólico Nine Canyon

2 nov 2007

Centro de investigación de mareas Universidad de Oregon
Visita al departamento de Energía del Estado de Oregon
Av. Freire 1122 Quilpué
Fonos: 2493818 - 82930542
www.maritec.cl / www.maritecsolar.blogspot.com